The Navy is keeping very specific tabs on you if you’re unvaccinated, and they’re doing it on a portal that anyone in the Navy can access.

The site is on the SECNAV portal, and there is a requirement to signup for a command’s CDO (Command Duty Officer), even though most don’t bother with it. It was originally created to report COVID cases from the command instead of sending up CCIRs (Commander’s Critical Information Requirement) for the regional commander to put out. The only requirement to gain access is a CaC card and knowledge the portal exists. No one verifies your duty position or if you have a need to access the information within.
It’s easy to see on this screenshot that a person’s DOD ID Number, unit address, duty status, paygrade and vaccination status are all listed. This is obviously a big deal because it violates a person’s PHI and PII (private health and personally identifiable information) to potentially everyone in the Navy and possibly even the DOD.

Having access to this site brings up another issue of concern altogether, and that’s whether or not the Navy is accurately reporting their total numbers of unvaccinated personnel. On the Navy’s official COVID updates website, the numbers of unvaccinated are 6,376 as of August 24, 2022 combined across the active and reserve components.

However, if we look at the total number of unvaccinated on the aforementioned site, the number is 11,743. This is obviously significant due to the potential ramifications of those who may be discharged for refusing the vaccine and the budget considerations that go before Congress every year when determining how much money should be given to the DOD.

Congratulations if you’re an unvaccinated sailor. You can revel in the knowledge that your PHI and PII are on display for the entire Navy (and potentially DOD) to see. It would also appear that the Navy doesn’t math so good, but I’m sure they have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why their numbers are off by approximately 5,000 personnel.

WTF, this information should not be online for everyone to see.
Tried this, I got to the url circled, then it ask me to write a message for permission to access it. I wrote that I was verifying my personal information. Haven’t got further.
We were successful yesterday. A reporter reached out to the navy for a response and they didn’t give one. I’d bet they’re aware it’s a thing on the public forum now and have ended the ability to randomly sign up.