I recently stumbled across an email sent in 2019 from Travis Air Force Base’s 349th Medical Group with the subject line “100% Disability for Anthrax shots (bad lots),” and the content within is shocking. The Group Superintendent of 349th Medical Group addresses commanders within the organization and states, “I have been forwarded this information from several physicians and am now sending out to you for your members information. It appears that there were some lots of Anthrax from 2001-2007 given at certain bases that have given members medical issues.” She goes on to state that a VA rating is being given for conditions related to Anthrax administered from certain installations.

The email reads: “Attn: Those who have received the Anthrax series at Ft. Campbell and Drum, Hood from 2001-2007 for OEF/OIF, the VA is starting to rate 100% if you received the series due to bad batches. Per Director of VA. It will officially come out in August but you need to push this now.”
The following lot numbers are then listed for the bad batches:
- Squalene-Positive [per FDA and SRI]: FAV 008, FAV 020, FAV 030, FAV 038, FAV 043, and FAV 047.
- Have Induced Anti-Squalene Antibodies [per Tulane Med School]: FAV 041, FAV 070 and FAV071.
- Associated with Autoimmune-Related Symptoms or Fully Diagnosed Autoimmune Diseases in Troops [per Tulane]: FAV 017, FAV 048b, FAV 066, FAV 068, FAV 069, FAV 073, FAV 074, FAV 075, FAV 078.

FAV 008: Dover AFB (Delaware); Fort Bragg (North Carolina), BioPort (administered to workers); Shipments of FAV 008 were also sent to Israel, Germany, Taiwan and Canada.
FAV 017: Osan, South Korea; Tripler Army Medical Center (Hawaii); Camp Lejeune (North Carolina); Fort Stewart (Georgia); 18th MEDCOM APO AP; Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota); Eleleson AFB (Arkansas), U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado); Fort Drum (New York); Fort Campbell (Kentucky); LAcademy (Colorado); Fort Drum (New York); Fort Campbell (Kentucky); Langley AFB (Virginia); Ellsworth AFB (South Dakota); Mountain Home AFB (Idaho); MacDill AFB (Florida); Pearl Harbor (Hawaii); Offut AFB (Nebraska): Barksdale AFB (Arkansas); Portsmouth (Virginia); Moody AFB (Georgia); Buckley ANG (Colorado); Malmstrom AFB (Montana); Fort Lewis (Washington); Davis-Monthan AFB (Arizona); Beale AFB (California); Fairchild AFB (Washington); Barkdale AFB (Arkansas); Virginia Beach (Virginia).
FAV 020: Al Jaber, Kuwait; U.S.S. Independence (Persian Gulf); U.S.S. San Jacinto (Persian Gulf); Saudi Arabia; A shipment of FAV 020 was also sent to Australia.
FAV 030: Al Jaber, Kuwait; Dover AFB (Delaware); Michigan ANG (Michigan); Holloman AFB (New Mexico): Perry Point (Maryland); Naval Station Everett (Washington); Norfolk (Virginia); Cannon AB (New Mexico); Holloman AFB (New Mexico); McChord AFB (Washington); Shaw AB (South Carolina); Nellis AFB (Nevada); Fort Lewis (Washington); Travis AFB (California); Fort Bliss (Texas); Fort Dix (New Jersey): Grand Forks AB (North Dakota); Seymour-Johnson AFB (North Carolina); Hickham AFB (Hawaii); Peterson AFB (Colorado); McConnell AFB (Kansas); Camp Pendleton (California); Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (Pennsylvania): Redstone Arsenal (Alabama); F.E. Warren AFB (Wyoming); Shipments of FAV 030 were also sent to Germany and Canada.
FAV 038: Osan, South Korea; U.S.S. Roosevelt; Hill AFB (Utah); Fort Benning (Georgia); BioPort (administered to workers).
FAV 041: Al Jaber, Kuwait; Westover AFB (Massachusetts); Dover AFB (Delaware); Michigan ANG (Michigan); Dharan, Saudi Arabia; Tyndall AFB (Florida)
FAV 043: Osan, South Korea; Wright-Patterson AFB (Ohio); Tennessee ANG (Tennessee); Dover AFB (Delaware); Fort Bragg (North Carolina); Oklahoma ANG (Oklahoma); Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota); Travis AFB (California); Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (Pennsylvania); Fort Sill (Oklahoma); Key Field (Mississippi)
FAV 047: Travis AFB (California); Dover AFB (Delaware); BioPort (administered to workers).
FAV 048b: Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota)

FAV 070: Dyess AFB (Texas)
FAV 071: Dover AFB (Delaware); Camp Lejeune (North Carolina)
FAV 073: Fort Hood (Texas); Fort McCoy (Wisconsin)
FAV 078: AlJaber, Kuwait

The person who sent these emails to me told me they were quickly disavowed and the command came out and said the “email wasn’t valid.” However, the information in this email is quite comprehensive for them to simply get it wrong. When I looked at the date on this email, it made me wonder if something else was going on. The email is dated January of 2019. The world was less than a year away from COVID being introduced in what we now know was likely due to a lab leak. (Let me adjust my tinfoil hat ever so carefully); if I wanted to use the DOD as lab rats to test my new vaccine on, I sure as hell wouldn’t want them to be vaccine hesitant. I’d probably do the same thing as 349th Medical Group and simply say the email wasn’t valid and deny the information within.
Regardless, the information contained in this email needs to be investigated. Is the DOD aware of bad batches of Anthrax administered to its personnel, and if so, did the VA actually give a 100% disability rating for those who received it? We need answers right now.