Military mandate brief given to members of congress with all of the facts

This presentation was created to expose the wrongdoings of the DOD from the Secretary of Defense all the way down to Commanders who do not have the fortitude to look into the orders they are carrying out. You will find evidence of collusion with the FDA, corruption at the highest levels of the DoD, violations of Federal law, long established privacy laws, and human rights violations, and throughout this presentation we ask you, the American public, to discern for yourselves the truth.

Since the release of this data to certain Members of Congress, the DoD has caught wind of this information being released and have doubled down on their operations to decimate our military. In less than 5 days they have taken down the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database and have started issuing orders to the services to start the separation of those who refused the COVID vaccination campaign. It is imperative, from at least a National Security standpoint, that you DEMAND action from Congress, to remove those responsible for these atrocities, and DEMAND accountability of anyone willing to continue this sham on our great American military.

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Joe Gorgacz
Joe Gorgacz
3 years ago

About to blast this congress wide. I have so little faith in them doing anything but the public needs to know this is happening.

3 years ago

Hey brother. This is great! I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but you have the mandate and court case out of ordering your timeline. Possibly atypo?

Reply to  ChrisL
3 years ago

This was a large collaborative effort. I’ll let the team know what you said.

Danielle Struss
3 years ago

Did the PDF link at the bottom work for anyone? If it did can you send it to me when I click it it doesn’t load.

3 years ago

Downloaded and distributing now

3 years ago

I can’t get the link to work either. Trying to post on twitter.

Reply to  justin
3 years ago

Still not working?

Reply to  Chief
2 years ago

Not working for me either.

Matthew Holcombe
3 years ago

Excellent product.

3 years ago

The Gateway Pundit article on this disappeared too…

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