Tennessee National Guard Removes Recruiters From Promotion Consideration for Failing to Make Mission

Approximately 75 NCOs (Non-Commissioned Officers) in the Tennessee National Guard’s Recruiting Command were recently removed from promotion contention according to one of the recruiters on the list. The Tennessee Guard’s Assistant Adjutant General, Brigadier General Warner Ross, signed the memo on September 1, 2022 which removed the personnel from the promotable list.

According to the recruiter who sent the memo, the only reason given for their removal was because they “didn’t make mission” for Fiscal Year 2022 in regards to recruiting enough personnel.

Brigadier General Warner Ross

Despite the Army as a whole failing to make mission by 25 percent, it appears the Tennessee Guard’s senior leadership will hang their shortfalls on the actual recruiters themselves instead of acknowledging the failed policies which lead to the worst year of recruiting the US Army has ever experienced. That oughta teach those pesky recruiters the next time they think about conducting a botched pullout from Afghanistan, turning the military into a woke college experiment or implementing an unlawful vaccine mandate which turns the nation’s youth away from military service!

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