This article was submitted by an an author who wishes to remain anonymous
After 12 years of active honorable service to our nation, Sergeant Alexandru Julean, an Army Laboratory Technician (67K) at the Army Public Health Command Atlantic (Fort Meade, Maryland), has been forced out of service on October 4, 2022. Since September of 2021, Alexandru was communicating concerns to his leadership at Army Public Health Command about the issues with the experimental emergency use authorized COVID19 products (mask, test, and injections). He stated to his leadership that the FDA approved and licensed products were not available.

Alexandru’s experience in the military as a laboratory technician had him using various medical equipment to run tests for diseases that may be present within the force. The primary testing protocol he used for the past two years was called Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Most of his primary duty consisted of running PCR tests for Service Members in a clinical and public health setting during the COVID19 declaration of emergency. He is keenly familiar with PCR technology and its limitations. He was running these tests at 40+ cycles which was the standard threshold within the Department of Defense for Sars-CoV-2 detection. A cycle represents the amplification of the sample being tested. The higher the cycle number, the more the sample is exponentially magnified. As a result, the higher the cycle threshold, the more possibility for false positives. This is important when we’re talking about a “Pandemic/Declaration of Emergency,” based upon SARS-CoV-2 case positivity rates.
Furthermore, these tests are all experimental emergency use authorized (EUA) by the FDA, and per United States Federal Law (U.S.C. 21 section 360bbb-3 and U.S.C. 10 section 1107a), the individual (service member) has the right to accept or refuse these tests/products (mask, test, injections). Equally important is the liability shield that “covered persons” (United States Government, Manufacturers, Distributor et al) are granted under the “PREP” Act and U.S.C. 42 section 247d-6d. Therefore, the individual must be afforded the option to accept or refuse these products without fear of reprisal, per the previously stated laws above.
Alexandru was doing what any good NCO would do, properly informing his chain of command of issues and concerns, so they could make corrections and properly redress issues. He specifically discussed the issues with the COVID19 PCR testing protocols and Rapid Antigen Testing Kits to his Public Health Leadership. The rapid antigen test kits have just as much, if not even more, possibility of false positives.
Regarding PCR testing technology, Dr. Kary B. Mullis, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 1993 for his invention of PCR technology, discussed with emphasis that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with the PCR. Dr. Mullis also talked about the limitations with the tests. “Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test. If you run it long enough with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.” Dr. Kerry Mullis passed away on August 7th of 2019.
Dr Fauci even discusses the tests being useless at the cycle threshold of 35 or more. He also goes onto explain that the standard “should be” 35 or less cycles. However, we know there is no standard. We also know the government was using 40+ cycles routinely. Furthermore, hospitals were receiving monetary incentives based upon a person who was found to be “sick/died” with COVID19 after a positive PCR test, and given there is no standard for cycle threshold, hospitals could use 35+ to have an incredibly high false positive rate. This would have a dramatic impact on revenue flows.
Alexandru stated, “the Department of Defense guidance and PCR test instructions for SARS-CoV-2 was to be run at 45 cycles. The two locations in which I performed testing was clinicals at Kimbro Ambulatory Care Center and the Public Health Command’s surveillance laboratory on Fort Meade. In the clinal setting, I observed high positivity rates. The WHO reduced targeted genes needed for a positive result which attributed to an even higher false positive rate beyond the abnormally high cycle thresholds of the tests. This ‘coincidently’ coincided with the DODs weaponized testing mandates in November 2021.”
In November of 2021, the Department of Defense and Army started to weaponize Rapid Antigen testing kits against Service Members who were unvaccinated. Unvaccinated service members were targeted and mandated at least 2 times per week to perform these tests and show a negative result before being able to assimilate and perform duties with the vaccinated personnel. However, the FDA EUA letters for the testing kits state, “Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.” The testing kits also do not differentiate between SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 according to healthcare instructions for use guidance.
In February 2022, Alexandru started “blowing the whistle” with his leadership about these weaponized EUA testing products. He was quickly retaliated against; his military records were flagged, he was given an Article 15 Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and he was demoted from Sergeant (E-5) to Specialist (E-4) for refusing to participate with the discriminatory/experimental testing. Alexandru also has strong convictions about injecting substances into his body, especially experimental ones, and he was counseled back in September of 2021 for refusing to participate with the experimental EUA COVID19 injections. Alexandru is an extremely fit and healthy individual who has consistently scored high during the Army Physical Training Tests (APFT).
As a result of the retaliatory demotion of rank taken against him and the fact that he’s been in service for twelve years, he was forced out of the Army on October 4, 2022. An E-4 cannot serve beyond twelve years. For months he waited for separation-orders from the Army so he could start to out-process and prepare for civilian life. However, the Army waited until 2pm EST on October 3, 2022 to give him separation-orders, one day prior to his separation date (October 4, 2022). He could not setup any appointments prior to having separation-orders (household moving, medical, VA, CIF, etc.). This forced him to out-process the Army without pay for the next week until he could accomplish everything and receive his DD-214 for his 12 years of honorable service. He’s now kicked to the curb and looking for work. Unfortunately, this is the reality for Service Members who have had the courage of speaking truth to their leadership these days. They get destroyed and booted out of service to our nation for refusing to follow unlawful orders, and in Alexandru’s case, highlighting important flaws with the PCR/Rapid Antigen Testing Protocols for COVID19.
On August 15, 2022, nine Senior Officers from each branch of the military signed a whistleblower report that highlighted the unlawful actions of the DOD since August of 2021. Senator Ron Johnson subsequently inquired with Secretary Austin shortly after he was in receipt of the Senior Officer’s Whistleblower Report. However, Secretary Austin, CDC, and FDA have all ignored Senator Johnson’s inquiries.
Please see the Senior Officer’s Whistleblower Petition that has more than 7,000 signatures.
What damn shame.