Pentagon document highlights Reps. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green, along with other conservatives, as security threats

The Pentagon has been hard at work keeping us all safe from “fringe social media.” The Joint Staff Civil Disturbance cell, an element within the National Military Command Center (NMCC), referenced numerous posts from conservatives such as LTG(R) Flynn, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Matt Walsh, and others in a document titled “Alternative Social Media Update 06 February 2021 (0600).” The document highlights specific platforms such as Gab and 4chan as being fringe, yet it also posted screenshots of a Tweet from Rep. Boebert.

Executive summary of the document
Executive summary of the document

The intent of the document appears to be to highlight content trending on these “fringe sites” that may be a security concern. The executive summary highlights trending topics on “alternative social media” while specifically referencing interviews with LTG(R) Flynn.

4chan post with a link to an interview with LTG(R) Flynn
4chan post with a link to an interview with LTG(R) Flynn

The most shocking content in the document are screenshots from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Gab account and Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Twitter account. They’re not reposts someone else posted on their own account and added commentary to, rather original posts from sitting Congresswomen who the Pentagon has taken the time to highlight for what appears to be their concern as a security threat.

A post from Rep. Greene's Gab account highlighted in the document
A post from Rep. Greene’s Gab account highlighted in the document
Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Twitter account

The document goes on to reference posts from Matt Walsh, Catturd (a popular right wing social media account), Col. Phil Waldron, and a number of posts which are labeled “vaccine conspiracy theories” to include one from General Hyten.

Post from General Hyten regarding vaccines
Post from GEN Hyten regarding vaccines

While the document is a couple years old now, its bias against conservatives is alarming, while its screenshots of sitting representatives potentially runs afoul of the Pentagon’s role in relation to Congress. It also begs the question of whether this targeting of elected officials is still taking place. The Pentagon has tried to label itself as apolitical, yet its actions over the last few years have been anything but. This is just another example of the Pentagon, under the Biden administration, operating unchecked in its bias and targeting of those who are deemed an enemy to the regime.

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