We previously covered the investigation into the former TRADOC Commanding General, GEN Paul Funk II, and the allegations he committed TDY Fraud. However, it’s important to look at the entire command team when talking about investigations and allegations of malfeasance in the military. This brings us to the other half of GEN Funk’s command team, CSM Daniel T. Hendrex.

It would be difficult for a commander to do anything in uniform outside the purview of their senior enlisted advisor. In GEN Funk’s case, CSM Hendrex has been his “right hand man” since Funk’s tenure as the Commanding General of III Corps and Fort Hood, TX. It would be the duty of this enlisted leader to report any corruption or wrongdoing on the part of the commander, but what if this enlisted leader had allegations of misconduct of their own and relied on that commander to make them go away?
Multiple sources in the upper echelons of TRADOC’s staff have told us that CSM Hendrex had an anonymous Inspector General (IG) complaint launched against him for unethical conduct, a toxic environment, and discrimination while also being accused of creating his own, enlarged staff by hiring GS employees under false qualifications. He’s said to have employed these individuals as “motivational speakers” (which is a role they hold in their civilian business) and even took a Drill Sergeant who was currently on the trail (working as a Drill Sergeant) out of their position to become a social media influencer in his staff.
An Investigating Officer was appointed, and the investigation was deemed probable and substantiated, to include the retirement of several SGMs that worked closely with Hendrex in TRADOC and witnessed his “king-like” behavior and lack of respect. Instead of allowing the investigation to continue, Gen Funk took the investigation away from IG and cleared Hendrex of all misconduct.
Hendrex then made several changes during the investigation, which indicated he was being fed information from Funk. According to Ft. Hood sources, this happened while Funk and Hendrex were in command together at III Corps as well. Investigations involving Hendrex were stymied by Funk, and he was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing despite the validity of the facts, statements, or other evidence.
Our TRADOC sources have also stated that Funk and Hendrex received numerous reports about suicidal ideations, lack of behavioral health services, toxic leadership, and other detrimental issues within all echelons of TRADOC but decided to focus on social media and their image instead of these critical issues.
Hendrex has even been heard by numerous, independent sources saying “Fort Hood was not a toxic leadership issue; it was a social media issue” (which is in reference to the murder and investigation of SPC Vanessa Guillen).
Now that GEN Funk has changed command with GEN Brito, the climate at TRADOC has changed. We’ve been told that GEN Brito is already cleaning house, and a number of investigations are currently underway into conduct that has largely been ignored under GEN Funk’s command. We’ll continue to bring information forward regarding these investigations as more becomes known.

DAMN! So what’s next?