If it was a mosquito, it would bite us.
Let’s just jump right into it. There are strange things afoot in regards to the relatively recent push to release GMO mosquitoes in various places world wide. This is concerning of course because these are gene edited bugs flying around us with no real studies on how this will impact humans (or anything for that matter). If you read my articles, you know that in 2016 Head of the DNI James Clapper referred to “gene editing” as a weapon of mass destruction.
Then everyone just shrugged and said “yeah we don’t care” and just kept working away.
Now that it is summer time, the mosquitoes are out and so are some suspicious news stories.

Now whoa. That is scary. You are just out and about, get a little bite, and just like that you’re entire life changes. But a bit peculiar right? Bug bites have impacted us in many ways over the years, but there are some other factors that are making mosquitoes a bit more …absolutely terrifying, maybe. Luckily, Bill Gates is on the case, and he is nothing if not EMPHATIC about reducing mosquito borne illness by the use of vaccines (especially in Africa). And this is how he is helping.

Uh ex-squeeze me? Uh baking powder? Mosquitoes as vectors for vaccines against a disease? Being researched and funded by the same Gates Foundation that is releasing gene edited mosquitoes. So when will we know? Will we be told if there is a mosquito bite vaccine that has been released? Has it happened already? We are already walking a fine line of pushing experimental treatments on human subjects that have many legal and ethical implications, and here this troll is developing mosquito bite vaccines.
And if we have learned anything over the last two years, it is that our medical community is INFALLIBLE. They work tirelessly to ensure the public safety. I mean, who doesn’t respect an institution that bends to the whims of teachers unions, imposes lockdowns despite the unintended consequences, gets to decide who has an essential job, says cloth masks are effective against an airborne disease, decides landlords don’t have control over their property, forces a medical treatment on you to travel, uses a lack of data as evidence, present experimental products as licensed and I could go on and on.
But you know, at least this is “hypothetical” and they aren’t putting it in our food.
On March 7, 2022 the FDA put out a press release titled, “FDA Makes Low-Risk Determination for Marketing of Products from Genome-Edited Beef Cattle After Safety Review.” Color me terrified. But this is limited to one company, that company is “Acceligen.” And don’t let this blow your mind because at this point it is just so predictable, but Acceligen is a Grantee of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. How original. Makes no sense for Mr. Eat More Plant Based foods Gates to be trying to expand the meat market. More like destroying it.