DOD CorruptionArmy Major General Pat Donahoe May Lose Star Over Grooming, Toxic LeadershipOctober 8, 2022
DOD CorruptionOklahoma Air National Guard and Air National Guard leadership conspire to break the law after pilot diesOctober 5, 2022
DOD CorruptionTRADOC Scandals and the Chief of Staff of the Army’s plan to quietly make them go awayOctober 1, 2022
DOD CorruptionTRADOC CSM, Daniel Hendrex, had numerous, substantiated investigations dismissed by GEN FunkSeptember 26, 2022
DOD CorruptionIs the DOD incapable of managing their systems, or are they lying to Congress and America?September 18, 2022
DOD CorruptionGEN Brito is now in command; it’s time for MG Donahoe’s pool side vacation to endSeptember 15, 2022
DOD CorruptionDoDIG memo to SECDEF highlights deliberate violation of Federal Law within the DoDSeptember 13, 2022
DOD CorruptionAir Force Lt Gen denies 2d Lt’s religious accommodation; Chaplain states belief is sincere, but General says it’s notSeptember 12, 2022
DOD CorruptionSenior Naval Officer submits official complaint against Naval Inspector General for covering up federal crimesSeptember 9, 2022